7 Unique Real Estate Door Hanger Ideas That Generate Leads

A door hanger can be a good tool for a real estate professional to use to gather new business. Real estate door-to-door marketing tells people that you are in the area and ready to serve their real estate needs. Yet your real estate door hanger ideas need to be impactful to motivate people to call.

How can you use door hanger advertising effectively? Use door hangers the same way you would other paper marketing products, such as postcards and direct mail campaigns. The key is to think like a potential customer, creating a door hanger that will grab attention and encourage them to call.

To do this, you need real estate door hanger ideas that are unique and attention-grabbing. Here are seven ideas you can use now.

Real estate door hangers can help lower distribution costs because they require no postage, unlike direct mail campaigns or real estate postcards. However, you do need to keep them creative, or they will get tossed in the trash. Use these ideas to help make your real estate marketing more effective.

1. Advertise Open Houses

Use your real estate door hangers to advertise an open house. Open house door hanger templates let you include pictures of the house and the details of the open house date and time.

To use these effectively, hang the door hanger in neighborhoods near the home for sale, but not necessarily the neighborhood where the home is. Try to think about where a potential buyer for that home might live, and then hit that area hard with the open house door hanger campaign.

A tree lined street

2. Just Sold Door Hanger

A just sold door hanger may seem like it is not effective because you are not marketing a home that a buyer can look at. However, as a Realtor, these can be helpful tools in your marketing toolbox.

When you go door-knocking in a neighborhood where you recently sold a property and leave behind a custom door hanger that tells the homeowner about the sale, you gain interest from others who might want to sell a home later. This type of flyer is a good marketing tool to put your name in the mind of future sellers in your target audience. When they need a Realtor, your name will be fresh in their minds.

3. Recipe Cards

One of the goals of your marketing efforts with door hangers is to keep your name in mind. You do not know who in your targeted audience is in need of real estate services. A recipe card as a door hanger can help you get your name out to your farm area in a less pushy way.

Recipe cards introduce you as a real estate professional and give the recipient something interesting they can use. This means you are never cold calling in the area because your name and services will be familiar to the people you target with your marketing campaign.

4. Seasonal Door Hangers

Incorporate the seasons and their holidays in your real estate marketing with the right door hanger template. A fall recipe around Thanksgiving, a list of holiday festivals around Christmas, and a back-to-school announcement, transformed into a Realtor door hanger, can make you seem relevant and professional as a real estate agent.

A door hanger on a door handle

5. Real Estate Door Hangers with Gifts

Another idea you can use to advertise your real estate business is to include a small, practical gift with your real estate door hangers. A small piece of wall art or a cute magnet that the recipient can use as home decor can make your real estate door hangers stand out.

6. DIY Advice Door Hanger

Remember, your marketing material needs to capture your attention and get people to read it. Consider a door hanger marketing campaign that gives your recipient a DIY project they can tackle. This makes the door hanger beneficial to the recipient, so they will hang on to it.

7. Local Events Announcement

Another creative way to make your fliers helpful to those who receive them is to use the fliers to advertise local events. Keep a running list of local events in Microsoft Word or your favorite word processor, then pull some of them for printing on your postcard and door hanger design when you are ready to launch a direct mail and real estate door-knocking campaign.

Article by Kyle Handy


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