What Is Door Hanger Marketing And How To Do It Right?

One of the biggest struggles for marketing professionals and small business owners is how to get people’s attention during a time when it seems like the whole world is competing for the same. When people are bombarded with advertising the second they open the Internet or step out the door, how do you stand out?

One way to stand out is to meet them at the door—with eye-catching door hangers. Door hanger advertising is an underrated way for entrepreneurs at all stages of the game to generate hype for their business and get paying customers.

That does not mean that door hangers marketing is an instant ticket to success. A successful campaign still requires planning and organization. To pull off one of your own, here is everything you need to know about door hanger flyers.

What Is Door Hanger Marketing?

real estate door hangers paper stock

Have you ever come home and noticed a flyer sticking around your door handle? Congratulations, you’ve been a recipient of a door hanger marketing campaign.

Marketing door hangers are similar to regular flyers except they have a hook or insert that allows them to hang directly on people’s door handles instead of getting lost in the mailbox or under the door. Print door hangers are usually on the smaller side, about the size of a regular rack card, so they can easily fit on people’s doors.

Due to their small size, door hangers usually don’t try to cram tons of information onto their pages. Instead, their most important benefit is their eye-catching visibility. These marketing campaigns are characterized by bright graphics and short, punchy copywriting.

Benefits of Door Hanger Marketing

Conventional marketing wisdom has been pushing digital marketing for the past few years and saying that print advertising is dead. However, there is still plenty of value (and sometimes even greater ROI) with traditional marketing forms such as door hangers.

Here are a few reasons why it’s worth investing in door hanger printing.


product value

One of the greatest benefits of door hanger signs is their affordability. Your highest costs are printing—if you have some talent for graphic design, you don’t even have to pay a professional to create them.

Once you print out your door hangers, your expenses are over. You don’t have to pay for envelopes or postage because you’re physically distributing them, not mailing them out. Even digital ads come with a cost because you have to pay for advertising space. If you’re running a bigger distribution campaign, you can hire a company to place your door hangers, but if you don’t have space in your budget for it, it’s easy enough to do on your own.

The affordability makes it easy to launch a door hanger campaign even if your business is just starting out.

Custom Messaging and Targeting

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Your only limit when designing your door hangers is space. Other than that, you can put whatever you want on it. Personalized door hangers make it easy to tailor your graphics and text to whatever campaign you’re running. The flexibility and accessibility of the medium also mean that you can run a door hanger campaign for each promotion your business is doing.

Besides personalizing the content, you can also personalize the distribution. Door hangers allow you to target the people you think are most likely to become paying customers, in terms of location and demographic profile. For example, if you offer a pet sitting business, you can target houses you see that have leashes on the front porch. This is far more control than you have over the distribution of digital ads, that can target people too far away to ever become paying customers.

Grab Customers’ Attention

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People are so desensitized to advertising these days that they automatically tune out most of what they see. Digital ads immediately get lost in the noise of social media and the Internet. Flyers get automatically tossed into the junk mail drawer.

However, printed door hangers force people to stop and notice thanks to their eye-catching positioning. People instinctively remove your door hanger before entering their home, and that means they will look at it for at least a few seconds. Whether you’re able to retain their interest long enough to convert them into paying customers is up to you.

‍Article By: Shelly Parker


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