Why Most Businesses Lose Customers (and How to Keep Yours)

Why Most Businesses Lose Customers (and How to Keep Yours) The average small business loses half its customers within three years. Here are four things you can do to beat those odds. The average small business loses half its customers within three years. That grim statistic comes from serial entrepreneur, [...]

Don’t Rely on Luck Alone – A Direct Mail Campaign is Your Pot of Gold

So-called "junk mail" can actually shine like layered bricks of gold in the eyes of the consumer with effective direct mail marketing. Ignore what you've heard about outbound marketing not being effective for B2C businesses. There are many riches to be found at the end of the rainbow, like these [...]

4 Steps to Effectively Include Door Hangers in Your Direct Marketing

Most of us tend to go through our mail as we stand over or next to the trash. With so many offers from so many different companies we neither know of or care about, the amount of junk mail can be a little overwhelming and bothersome. So what do you [...]

The Legitimacy of Direct Mail in a World of Fake News

Between the spam, phishing attacks, fake ads, troll farms, and other forms of ad fraud, how do we really know what we see and read online is real? The short answer is, we don’t always know. We are all subject to potential phishing attacks designed to steal our identity and it seems like major [...]

Techniques to Fight Campaign Fatigue

Techniques to Fight Campaign Fatigue and Maintain Strong Direct Mail Response Rates The adage “all good things must come to an end” applies to most things in life, including the effectiveness of a direct mail package. Even the best campaigns eventually become stale and begin to lose their ability to [...]

Making the Case for Marketing Mail

Regular readers of SpeakingDIRECT know that we are strong advocates for the effectiveness of direct mail, especially as part of a data-driven marketing campaign. This is based not only on what we’ve seen in our own experience helping clients craft successful data-driven marketing mail campaigns, but also from what we [...]

Door Hanger Promotional Designs for Hotels

Various businesses already have and still do promote with door hangers, but some hotels miss the chance to adapt this medium into their services. Just because guests expect you to put out only Do Not Disturb door hanger signs doesn’t mean your door hanger printing options are limited! Here are [...]

Will Promotional Door Hangers Work Best For You?

Cost of Labor vs. Cost of Postage Of course, door hangers bring with them the added cost of labor – you’ll have to pay someone to hand them. Done right though, a targeted printed door hanger campaign can be small, but focused and effective. You’re also saving on postage. It [...]

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