Advertising: the Emerging Media Trend

Advertising can take many different forms and as technology and the times have changed, advertising has changed with it. Traditional advertising used to only consist of newspapers and radio before branching into television, digital, out-of-home. In-the-Hand Advertising is now the newest trend. What is In-the-Hand Advertising? In-the-hand advertising differs from [...]

Door Hanger Marketing

If you’re looking for a unique way to target a specific market, the solution may be hanging under your nose. Because door hangers stand alone without competition, they are more likely to be read and remembered. While you can easily maximize marketing real estate and print messaging on both sides [...]

The Secret Tool You Can Use to Close Way More Deals

I’m a big believer in preparation, so whenever I can, I create a deal plan with my prospect. The deal plan should cover whatever your prospect suggests but will generally encompass the remainder of the sales cycle, how to sell the product internally, and the implementation of the product. Why [...]

7 Psychological Tips for Dealing with Difficult Prospects

Crossed arms, heavy sighs, short replies -- you know when a prospect’s getting frustrated. Worse, these physical signs show they’re losing interest in what you’re saying, and your shot at earning their business might be fading fast. Often, difficult or even angry prospects aren’t expressing frustration with you. These emotions [...]

Fix This Writing Mistake to Engage Readers

In college, there are three kinds of classes. First, there’s the blow-off classes, where 80 percent of your grade comes from fill-in-the-blank worksheets. To pass, all you really have to do is show up. Then, there are the classes taught by “real hardasses.” These classes kept you up well past [...]

You’re Doing Flyer Advertising Wrong and Here’s Why

Flyers are probably the most versatile of all advertising tools. With their personal and tactile nature (you personally give the flyer) and wide reach (recipients can pass it along), they can be the most effective and efficient for promoting your business. For the most part, flyer advertising is easy. You [...]

Successful Social Media Contest

Are you trying to increase your social media followers and convert them to customers? Social media contests are probably the most reliable way for doing so. Not only do they increase your followers and social media engagement, they also have the potential to improve your relationship with your customers. Contest [...]

5 Old-School Marketing Techniques That Still Do the Job

5 Old-School Marketing Techniques That Still Do the Job Marketing is hard. Everyone is trying something new, but here are 5 tried-and-true techniques that get the job done.   Since the turn of the century and the rise of the smartphone, digital marketing has taken over at breakneck speed. From email campaigns to [...]

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